Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Pertandingan Futsal Pilau Menteri Besar Kedah Anjuran Astro


Per3 senantiasa mencari jalan serta cara untuk bergerak menempuh ke satu era membentuk pelapis di masa akan datang. Per3 Malaysia mewujudkan Kelab Penyokong Pertiga (kpp3) yang  terdiri  daripada remaja belasan then diantara 16-18 tahun.

Ianya demikian di atas kesedaran bahawa betapa pentingya untuk melahirkan pemimpin2 dimasa akan datang.  Sejajar dengan itu inisiatif telah diambil oleh Per3 Malaysia Per3 Yan, Kedah dengan mewujudkan satu pasukan futsal iaitu Sinar Per3 Yan.  Pembentukan modal insan yang sihat serta satu situasi harmoni bersukan. 

Sinar Per3 Yan, Kedah di selia oleh Paduka Panglima Paksu merangkap Timbalan Presiden Negeri Kedah.  Per3 Malaysia ingin merakamkan setinggi tahniah dan syabas di atas usaha beliau membawa pasukan futsal Sinar Per3 Yan ke satu tahap yang membanggakan.


1 comment:

  1. Now the Buddhist Temple (Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong) belongs to a place where Myanmar people gather for weddings and night parties during holidays, where they usually drink alcohol and meat for their meals.

    We know very well and before I was on the committee of that Buddhist Temple but now we are not on the committee because the president (DATUK YIP KUM FOOK, LAWYER) changed the rules of the Temple, and some of us have to move in the other direction, DATUK YIP KUM FOOK is playing the Temple as politics and like his Temple

    The second president of the Temple was Simon Low Kok Meng (Brother-in-law of Datuk Yip Kum Fook) he was very funny and silly, he had no name in the temple committee but he controlled the Temple, and he was not educated, probably not beyond a third-form education in Sg. Buluh, Selangor

    Before the Taman Desa Jaya Buddhist temple, Kepong was very famous and many people knew everywhere because there were Sunday schools, Bahasa Malaysia tuition for those learning form five, and more activities to conduct, other religious programs.

    Today the committee hires Myanmar monks for the Temple to carry out religious activities but some monks from Myanmar cannot speak English (Doctorate Level or PH.D), this is the Karma of the committee members to accept this, this is embarrassing for Buddhists.

    Mr. Chuan, Market Desa, Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur
