Saturday, 7 June 2014

Per3 Catat Sejarah

Hari ini dalam Sejarah 10 Februari 2013 apabila Per3 Malaysia di bawah Presiden Paduka Ayahanda Utama Sabaruddin Ahmad telah mengilhamkan Media Per3 untuk menyelia hal ehwal alam maya atau media baru bagi bersaing sama dengan organisasi yang lain. Ini satu pembangunan yang pesat dimana Media Per3 ( mp3 ) telah berada di persada media massa baru yang membawa berita segar telus dan benar.

Kini mp3 telah berjaya dengan adanya media centre di mana crew mp3 akan beroperasi secara rasmi dengan alatan yang lengkap serta mempunyai galeri mp3 yang memaparkan gambar2 serta bulletin suara pertiga.

Kini Per3 Malaysia bole dihubungi di alam maya melalui FB,  twitter dan blog.

Pertiga HQ, Pertiga HQ II, dan Suara Pertiga. 

Per3 HQ


Media Centre ini telah dirasmikan oleh Paduka Ayahanda Awie jugs dihadiri oleh speaker Negeri Pilau Pinang Dato Halim.




  1. Saudara-saudara dan Saudari-saudari Yang Di Hormati
    Bahawa MCA Gombak pegurusi YIP KUM FOOK dan anaknya Yip Jiun Hann (Permuda MCA Gombak) bukan sahaja menggunakan kuasanya menghisap wang KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI(Thai) No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tetapi lebih dahsyat, ialah menipu wanita-wanita dan merosakan keluarga orang lain. Mereka sebenar-benarnya orang yang jahat dan tak bermoral

    Saya mengemukakan kesal yang benar ini, tujuan ialah harap orang ramai, khasnya wanita dapat mengambil perhatian supaya jangan terjerat oleh manis-manis mulutnya akhir akan meninpa kerugian dan kesakitan yang besar

    马华公会鹅唛區会主席叶金福律师与马华公会鹅唛區会叶君瀚青年圑長, 不但无耻的利用KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI(Thai) No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.宗教之名捞取权和私利之外, 叧一大罪悪是, 他们仗着权势, 甜言蜜語, 誘骗良家少女, 骗财骗色, 三妻四妾, 破坏别人的家庭. 父子两人, 无悪不做, 实是大色狼, 大老千,缺德的败娄.

    今天我把实事公告大家, 是希望公众, 特别是良家少女, 要多多小心, 提防这一娄假面具的佛教徒, 以免一失足成千古恨.

    Brother And Sister Of the respectfully
    That YIP KUM FOOK, MCA Gombak chairman and his son Yip Jiun Hann (Youth MCA Gombak) they are not only used of power to suck Temple’s money of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE(Thai) No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. But far worse, they are cheating women and make people family broken. They truly wicked and immoral

    Bring forward. I regret that this is true, the purpose is to hope for public, and especially women take care not to be trapped by the end of sweet mouth will override of great loss and pain

  2. JH Yip Management Sdn Bhd
    Suite 3.43, Kompleks Desa, Jalan Kepong,, 52100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, 51200 Phone:03-6274 5352
    Ketua Belia MCA Gombak YIP JIUN HANN,
    Berkenaan bapa U (YIP KUM FOOK, MCA GOMBAK) bertiga, Empat Isteri dan kaya, itu hal U sendiri,
    Mengapa U cuba Menbangkitkan Nama NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. bagi menburukkan nama kebaikannya. U cuba ingat memalukan Muslim?
    Yip Jiun Hann, U bukan Muslim kami harap jangan menyetul hal Agama Muslim dan kebaikan NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W.
    Kalau tidak kami akan ajar U seperti perkara yang terjadi di U.S.A

  3. To YIP KUM FOOK(LAWYER)…if you succeed in cheating someone, don't think that the person is a fool. realize that the person trusted you much more than you deserved
    By David Hua, Kepong

  4. Now the Buddhist Temple (Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong) belongs to a place where Myanmar people gather for weddings and night parties during holidays, where they usually drink alcohol and meat for their meals.

    We know very well and before I was on the committee of that Buddhist Temple but now we are not on the committee because the president (DATUK YIP KUM FOOK, LAWYER) changed the rules of the Temple, and some of us have to move in the other direction, DATUK YIP KUM FOOK is playing the Temple as politics and like his Temple

    The second president of the Temple was Simon Low Kok Meng (Brother-in-law of Datuk Yip Kum Fook) he was very funny and silly, he had no name in the temple committee but he controlled the Temple, and he was not educated, probably not beyond a third-form education in Sg. Buluh, Selangor

    Before the Taman Desa Jaya Buddhist temple, Kepong was very famous and many people knew everywhere because there were Sunday schools, Bahasa Malaysia tuition for those learning form five, and more activities to conduct, other religious programs.

    Today the committee hires Myanmar monks for the Temple to carry out religious activities but some monks from Myanmar cannot speak English (Doctorate Level or PH.D), this is the Karma of the committee members to accept this, this is embarrassing for Buddhists.

    Mr. Chuan, Market Desa, Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur
